Why Advertise



Why Advertise?

We ask you why is it?

A business person wakes up in the morning after sleeping under an advertised blanket, on an advertised mattress, pulls off advertised pajamas, takes a bath in a advertised bathtub, shaves with an advertised razor, washes with an advertised soap, dresses in advertised clothes, sits down to a morning cup of advertised coffee, reads the advertisements in the morning newspaper, pulls on an advertised coat, rides to work in an advertised car, writes with an advertised pen.  Then refuses to advertise, saying advertising doesn't pay, and then when "business isn't good enough to advertise" it's advertised for sale!

If your potential customers don't know you are in business and what you do, you are losing sales.  Some businesses says, "I can't afford to advertise."  Let me ask, "Can you afford not to advertise?"  Without advertising, you are:

  •  Assuming everybody knows what you have to offer
  •  Assuming that customers will automatically come to you
  •  Ignoring potential new customers that would do business with you if only they knew about your company
  •  Forgetting that your competitors are trying to lure your existing customers
  •  Treating advertising as an expense instead of an investment

Remember, if you do not advertise and your competitor does, your potential customers are more likely to go to them simply because they do not know about you!

When you realize the importance of advertising, contact us.  We can:

  •  Create specialty advertising products, gifts, and souvenirs
  •  Imprint any logo, graphic, or image onto any product quickly, inexpensively, and in small quantities
  •  We can print just about anything on anything!